Fleet Electrification Project:
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center – Mass Fleet Advisor
Detailed Fleet Electrification Planning for 60 Commercial Fleets
Client: Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, CALSTART
Location: Massachusetts
“Medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) fleets produce more than a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions from on-road vehicles, with a majority (71%) powered by diesel, making fleet electrification an essential step in reaching Massachusetts’ climate, transportation, and equity goals. However, many fleet managers face technical, financial, and capacity challenges when pursuing electrification. To assist fleets through the electrification process, MassCEC developed the Vehicle Electrification Advisory Services for Fleets Program.”- MassCEC

Microgrid Labs is a part of the advisor board that will help fleets plan their journey to an electric fleet. MGL is supporting CALSTART by providing technical expertise in the field of medium-and heavy-duty fleet electrification planning for MassCEC’s Vehicle Electrification Advisory Services for Fleets Program. The Program aims to increase adoption of electric fleets by providing fleet managers with necessary technical services to overcome barriers in fleet electrification. MGL will utilize EVOPT to provide technical expertise during the planning and development of 60 commercial fleets that are making the transition to all electric fleets. MGL and CALSTART will provide innovative electrification planning and analysis advisory services that will help inform each fleets electrification strategy and has the potential to be applied in other markets. EVOPT will be used to calculate route energy requirements, optimally size vehicle batteries, determine charging infrastructure requirements.
Providing these planning services for free helps to break down the initial cost and education barriers that often deter fleets from taking the first step in the electrification process. Through the planning phase fleets can learn about what it takes to electrify, how operations will transform, and the benefits an electrified fleet can provide such as minimized operating costs and emissions reductions.